About the University

About the University

The Amur State University is one of the youngest, perspective and fast developing universities in the Far Eastern Region of Russia. The university keeps the best traditions of the native higher education, smoothly integrates into the world system of higher education, and explores new trends and technologies in education and science.

In 2015 the Amur State University celebrated its 40’th anniversary since the date of foundation.

History of the university is closely associated with the history of the Amur Region. Blagoveshchensk Technological Institute was founded on the basis of Blagovesh­chensk Technical Faculty in 1975. At that moment it was the first institute of light industry in the Far East. In 1992 Blagoveshchensk Technological Institute was renamed in Blagoveshchensk Polytechnic Institute. Two years later the Polytechnic Institute developed into a full-fledged multidisciplinary university – the Amur State University.

Today the Amur State University ensures high-quality education offered by 9 departments. Currently we have 71 academic programs; according to Innovative Russia, Electrical Power Engineering, Applied Mathematics and Computer Science were acknowledged as best of them. Academic College of AmSU offers 10 programs of secondary vocational education. Lycee of AmSU offers general secondary education. Lycee’s students fr om 5th to 11th grade move closer to becoming worthy students of the university.

The Amur State University is a member of academic innovative consortium in space area. Leading role in university research activity belongs to the research Hi-Tech institute established in 1995 and named as the Research and Education Center (REC). Innovative activity at the university is represented by the innovation-technology center of AmSU. It is responsible for development and production of electronic management systems, circuit plates and training equipment.

The Amur State University opened an affiliated branch of the RAS Institute of Far Eastern studies.

The university runs Programs of Double Degree. Apart from study a main chosen academic field students have a possibility to gain extra qualifications that take two years each. Since 2014 graduate of the university are given the European Diploma Supplement, which is necessary when applying to foreign colleges or finding a job.

We have a great deal to offer students well-developed local infrastructure of the AmSU campus that embraces eight academic buildings, dormitories, libraries, experimental labs, own sports complexes, a swimming pool, several dining places, and a café.

Quick Facts

  • Total amount of students – 5180
  • International students – 130
  • Teaching staff members – 273
  • Doctors and Candidates of Science – 27 + 174
  • Scientific labs – 14
  • Research centers – 6
  • Bachelor’s programs – 33
  • Master’s programs – 15
  • Speciality programs – 8
  • PhD programs – 8
  • Performance groups – 9
  • International partners – 35
  • Membership in international associations – 4
  • Schools (Academic departments) - 10

Social life and entertainment:

  • different kinds of sports: athletics, volleyball, basketball, handball, chess, ping-pong, orienteering, football, cheerleading, athletic tourism;
  • youth scientific unions, including construction bureaus;
  • student theater “Globus”, dance bands, performance teams, singing and instrumental groups;
  • stand-up projects;
  • participating in students’ mass media work (local television studio, local paper);

The Amur State University is one of the best far-eastern places of Russia, wh ere each student can get a valuable degree, develop own skills and talents and start a career.