The development of the scientific sphere occupies one of the key positions in the implementation of the strategic program for the development of the university as a center of science, education, culture and innovation.
The priorities in the activities of the Amur State University are:
- performing fundamental scientific and applied innovative research,
- the use of the latest scientific achievements in the educational process,
- development of high-tech projects in the interests of the development of the region and the Russian Federation,
- training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel.
In order to provide conditions for conducting fundamental, applied and exploratory scientific research, independent scientific units have been created and are successfully operating at AmSU: Research and Education Center, 15 research laboratories, 3 research centers, museum complex, Technology and Innovation Support Center, Amur Mission Control Center, Student Design Bureaus, Student Business Incubator.

The Amur State University has identified the following priority research areas:
- "Information, telecommunication systems and technologies, applied mathematical modeling",
- "Physics and technologies of synthesis and processing of functional materials",
- "Energy efficiency and energy conservation",
- "Environmental management",
- "Religions and Peoples of the Far East",
- "Interaction between Russia and the Asia-Pacific countries",
- "Management of financial, economic and social systems",
- "Vocational training in the system of continuing education",
- "Technology and commodity science of functional and specialized products and public catering",
- "Modeling of speech activity of speakers of disappearing/dominant verbal cultures in the process of creating fundamentally new opportunities for the development of fundamental and applied linguistics of the Amur region".
AmSU is the founder of 5 scientific journals, 3 of which are included in the list of journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation, and one is included in the SCOPUS abstract database. AmSU is a member of two joint candidate and doctoral dissertation defense councils.
The University has collegial bodies – the Scientific and Technical Council, the Council of Young Scientists.