Department of Engineering and Physics

In the rapidly developing modern world engineering sciences have taken popular positions. So as to progress in different spheres from medicine to space exploration, there is a need for young well-equipped specialists. Students of the department contribute to research and science in such fields as creation of new materials, information technologies, medical physics, nanotechnologies.
Department of Engineering and Physics is a leading supplier of qualified staff for such foreground federal projects as “Spaceport Vostochny” and “Power of Siberia”.
In 2015 the department opened the Amur center of flight control that enables wireless communication with astronauts of the International Space Control, small spacecraft and new satellites control.
Much of the success in specialist training is due to the practicum component, including placements in industries and professional bodies of the Amur Region and the Far East, as well as in main institutions and research centers of Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tomsk, Novosibirsk et al.)