Philological Department is responsible for teaching foreign languages, Russian language and literature, and journalism.
Russian language and literature are very popular majors among foreign students. Philological Department attracts the majority of international students at the whole university. Besides degree courses international students participate in summer and winter camp programs, learning Russian language.
The Amur State University is оn the list of educational institutions, authorized to perform Russian Language Certification Testing. The examination is held by teaching staff of the Russian Language Chair, who were instructed at the Moscow State University (MSU, Moscow) and given relevant certificates. Types of testing: 1. Russian Language Certification Testing for getting Russian citizenship. 2. Russian Language Certification Testing of different levels (Elementary level, Basic level, First Certification level, The 2nd Level Certificate, The 3rd Level Certificate, The 4th Level Certificate). 3. Russian Language Certification Testing for migrant workers.
This Department is the oldest one at the university. It started in distant 1975. Now it is one of the most prestigious, up-to-date, and creative departments at AmSU.
Students and staff of the department regularly participate and win prizes of different All-Russian and international contests, competitions and festivals.
Our graduates work as designers in building and manufacturing companies, architectural and designer studios that feature interior and landscape design, furniture; they also work in polygraphic and advertising companies, and in printing-offices.
The department is very popular among international students. Besides undergraduate courses there is also a possibility for international students to take two-week courses of decorative and applied art (ceramics), textile design, etc.

Department of Social Sciences is one of the largest at AmSU and its students are very active in social life and culture. The faculty trains students to gain knowledge in psychology and solve questions of socialization and personal adaptation. Students will also learn the aspects of counselling and how to provide psychological aid.
The department has its own academic and scientific subdivisions like chairs, a lab of practical psychology, Center of Social Studies, Center of Archeological Research.
Working closely with academic staff, our students take active part in scientific conferences, fora and seminars. Special attention is given to prospects of volunteer movement, including charity actions for elderly people and orphans.
Graduates of the department are much sought in government administration bodies, social welfare institutions, agencies of social information and statistics, different government subdivision units of sociological services, analytical and polling centers.

Economics Department is one of the most prestigious at AmSU. Economic Department prepares students to enter a career in government bodies, banks, insurance and commercial organizations, audit and consulting companies. It provides a wide range of degree and non-degree courses in different economic areas.
The department welcomes researchers and scholars from the Far East and other guest speakers from the leading companies, financial institutions, a board of treasury, tax authorities, and banks to deliver lectures for students on a number of important areas of economic

Law Department is traditionally popular due to its active and effective work with students, ultimately helping them reach their potential and be successful in entering employments within the region and country.
Law Department keeps in touch with other Russian universities, law enforcement authorities, investigative directorate, police and other law bodies. Thereby students have an opportunity to gain valuable expertise in their chosen field.

In the rapidly developing modern world engineering sciences have taken popular positions. So as to progress in different spheres from medicine to space exploration, there is a need for young well-equipped specialists. Students of the department contribute to research and science in such fields as creation of new materials, information technologies, medical physics, nanotechnologies.
Department of Engineering and Physics is a leading supplier of qualified staff for such foreground federal projects as “Spaceport Vostochny” and “Power of Siberia”.
In 2015 the department opened the Amur center of flight control that enables wireless communication with astronauts of the International Space Control, small spacecraft and new satellites control.
Much of the success in specialist training is due to the practicum component, including placements in industries and professional bodies of the Amur Region and the Far East, as well as in main institutions and research centers of Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tomsk, Novosibirsk et al.)

IT-specialist is a prominent position in the third millennium. They comprehensively develop potentials for using the Internet, create new IT-services and techniques for the most advanced telecommunications, build up networks and data-centers for global companies, and protect computers from hackers and cybercriminals. To this end the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science is in great demand of matriculants. Each year the Department offers courses for about 500 students.
Our students are well prepared and develop practical skills in software engineering, computing hardware and networks, information coding and protection methods. Students of the Department of Maths and Computer Science regularly participate and become prizewinners of All-Russian contents, Far Eastern Olympiads, tournaments, and competitions in mathematics and software engineering. Our graduates are in demand in labor market and successful in future careers in businesses of the Amur Region, beyond the region and country.
Department of International Relations is one of the most prestigious and leading departments at the university.
Students are professionally involved in political, social, economic, demographic, linguistic, cultural, tourist, religious and other processes. During the study they have compulsory modules of two foreign languages (Chinese and English).
Due to the geographic proximity to China the most popular courses among our entrants are those connected with Chinese language. Each year about 500 students learn Chinese. The Department holds an annual festive contest of Chinese language and culture.
Our graduates successfully work in local government, ministerial bodies of the Amur Region, police authorities, mass media, private sector in and beyond the country, as well as in import and export organizations, and customs.
Energy sector is truly considered to be a key and strategically important industry of any country. Thousands of cities and small towns, businesses, factories and plants, millions of people are in need of regular power supply.
Department of Power Engineering is а “forge of professionals” for power engineering industry of the Far East and other regions of Russia. Keeping the best academic traditions, the faculty implements intensive teaching methods, modern education technologies, information and computer technologies, thereby ensuring high education standards in energy industry.
Students of the department are involved in development of new safe and ecological technologies of energy area.
Graduates of the power engineering department each year take part and become prizewinners in All-Russian contest of graduate qualification works of energy area (Tomsk City).
Graduates of the Department enter employment in many businesses and enterprises of the Amur Region, i.e. “Rushydro” – “Zeya Hydropower Station”, “Bureya Hydropower Station” and others. Our graduates are in demand of other organizations beyond the region.